Jack BloomfieldJack Bloomfield
Coral Springs, Florida
When all people reach the realization that there is no one greater than or less than any other, it is then that peace on our planet will become visible to us all. I want to be a link in this transformation and my alignment with One Planet United points the way.


Ruth HathornJaime Arevalo Reyes
Coral Springs, Florida
Jaime was born in Barranquilla, Colombia. He studied medicine at the University of Cauca. OB-GYN who graduated from the same university. Acupuncturist National School of Acupuncture Huang Di in Barranquilla. Experience in Bio-Energetic Medicine and Therapeutic Alternatives.

Interested in creating an awakening of consciousness, evolution, wellness and personal and professional development. Transform life and promote growth and search for the oneness of human being through the love that leads us to a spiritual and physical healing. Using academic training and experience in a natural and holistic way through meditation, Reiki, Native American teachings, nutrition, spirituality, personal awakening, and other tools to develop welfare within a conscious lifestyle that gives us inner peace that can irradiate the entire planet by knowing who we are and what our purpose in life.

Jaime believes in the practice of love towards the whole Universe.


Ruth HathornKaren Bossert
Coral Springs, Florida
Because of my work with the disabled, I often witness fear, discrimination and prejudice toward those I serve. Many people do not know that the these maladies often run true as much with the disabled as they do with race, politics, social status, gender and sexual orientation and this is why I was so drawn to such a great organization like One Planet United. Having a chance now to serve on the board will allow me more of an opportunity to help the mission and vision of OPU grow more and more, each and every day.


Giovanna CilentoSandi L. King
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
I am incredibly honored to be a member of One Planet United! This organization significantly aligns with who I am. OPU is about motivating personal activism and taking responsibility. Humanity is the most powerful force ever! We have a choice! When we acknowledge this fact, change is inevitable. By owning our power, a better world is naturally born. I encourage you to adopt the philosophy of these ten 2-letter words, IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME, and watch the miracles happen! We must first start with the man in the mirror, and then courageously and contagiously spread our love and light to others. Im very excited about being a part of the change I wish to see in the world!


Giovanna CilentoLeslie Lott
Coral Springs, Florida
I am honored to be joining the Board of Directors of One Planet United. OPU empowers people to do things, both small and large, right in their own communities to help people live together in harmony. So often people want to make a positive difference in the world but don't really know how to get involved or where to begin. It's great to be working with such a wonderful organization that provides the help needed. When John Lennon sang of a brotherhood of man he said "…Imagine all the people, living life in peace…" I'm thrilled to be a part of One Planet United where we imagine it, live it, and invite others to join us at whatever level of commitment is right for them.


Gordon UpdegraffGordon Updegraff
Ardsley, New York
I welcome the opportunity as a humanitarian to bring my past and present experiences with the World Health Foundation, Rotary International and other organizations to the board of directors of One Planet United. I want to be a part of healing the way people view and interact with each other, one community at a time. OP Uniteds programs are sure to lead the way.


Gordon UpdegraffElizabeth Velez
Coral Springs, Florida
Elizabeth was born in New York City and went to live in Puerto Rico at five years old. Moved to Broward County in 1981. Studied psychology at Nova University in Davie, Florida.

Elizabeth has 22 years experience working for non-profit agencies with emphasis in programs that assist families with young children up to adolescents.

She enjoys helping others discover the potentiality that is inside every human being. Elizabeth desires to add positive energy to the world, to contribute to world peace and healing to the planet one person at a time, starting with us, our families and our communities.

Elizabeth currently works as an Early Steps Service Coordinator assisting families with young children with special needs.


Past Board Members

Matt Bloomfield
Matt Bloomfield
Giovanna Cilento
Rob Carhart
Giovanna Cilento
Giovanna Cilento
Wally Dale
Wally Dale
Piero Falci
Piero Falci
Piero Falci
Ruth Hathorn
Howard Kassof
Howard Kassof
Roy Schwarz
Roy Schwarz
Blair Sperry
Blair Sperry
Diane Trivelli
Diane Trivelli
Paul Veliyathil
Paul Veliyathil


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