1)  What is One Planet United?
      2)  What makes One Planet United different?
      3)  Does One Planet United have a main headquarters?
      4)  How does an OPU program get started?
      5)  How can I become a volunteer?
      6)  Does One Planet United offer diversity training programs and workshops?
      7)  How can I make a donation?
      8)  How are my donations used?
      9)  Are in-kind donations needed?
      10)  Is my donation tax-deductible?
      11)  How can I get more information?
1) What is One Planet United?

One Planet United is a 501(c)3 non profit humanitarian organization dedicated to bringing unity and understanding to ALL people through experiential and educational programs, projects and resources. We are devoted to bring about the elimination of prejudice, intolerance and division, one community at a time.

2) What makes One Planet United different?

Most all non profit organizations provide programs and services that make communities better. One Planet United is no different in that respect. Where we are different comes from the fact that our community building programs are designed to be implemented by individuals anywhere who want to be a part of healing the division that exists in much of the word today. Our mission is to create personal activists everywhere that can be a part of bringing all people closer together. Putting our programs into action does not require training, education or money. OP United programs are designed in a simple step by step format so that anyone who has a heart to be a part of the solution can become a personal activist for change.

3) Does One Planet United have a main headquarters?

Our local office is located in Coral Springs, Florida but because our programs can be initiated by anyone no matter where they live, OPU and our programs are coming to life in communities everywhere.

4) How does an OPU program get started?

It takes an individual or small group to align themselves with one of the 8 programs developed by One Planet United. These programs can be found in the book, One Planet United The Problem, The Solution and A Plan of Action or on this website. Click on programs to review our community building programs and download the one that fits best. From there, follow the step by step outline and be a part of connecting human hearts and building community. We are available to help you get started so please contact our office if necessary.

5) How can I become a volunteer?

Volunteering for One Planet United is somewhat different than volunteering in most other organizations. Volunteering for OPU entails taking a leadership role by implementing and bringing to life one of our programs in your own community. In most cases, after you get started, you will have help as you form a committee or activist group.

6) Does One Planet United offer diversity training programs and workshops?

Yes. We offer a program called DAPA Diversity and Personal Activism. This program is designed for corporations, civic groups, school faculty and teen groups. These programs and workshops must be facilitated by an approved DAPA trainer and are currently being offered in South Florida. To learn more, visit www.dapadiversity.org.

7) How can I make a donation?

You can make a donation by going to our make a donation link on our website. We accept donations by mail as well as directly online with a credit card.

8) How are my donations used?

You may designate a particular use for your donation whether that be for a particular program, general fund etc. Your donations will always be used with the highest of integrity.

9) Are in-kind donations needed?

Most definitely. Please contact us if you have items or services that would help our organization. We will let you know if what you desire to donate can be used effectively.

10) Is my donation tax-deductible?

One Planet United is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization by determination of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are fully tax deductible.

11) How can I get more information?

You can contact our office directly by phone or by email and we will be able to provide you with additional information.
     One Planet United
     967 NW 127th Ave.
     Coral Springs, Florida 33071
     866-340-2115 (toll free)
     954-345-1732 (fax)

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